Hands-on Hacking Advanced
Course duration : 3 days of pure hacking and feeling "1337"
Group size : 10 participants maximum
Target audience : System administrators, information security specialists and -managers and any other IT personnel that is not afraid of the shell or command prompt
Pre-requisites : Prior HOHE participation is required to take this course to ensure minimum same level of skill-set
Price : 3 days, 1800 EUR + VAT/ 1 participant
Information and registration: info@clarifiedsecurity.com
Contents of the course
Hands-on Hacking Advanced (HOHA) is a follow-up to our Hands-on Hacking Essentials (HOHE) course. While HOHE is an eye-opening “shock therapy” training mostly for defenders, HOHA introduces more of the attacker and red teaming perspective. While the course still focuses mostly on the individual skills of participants, we will introduce red team team-working mode towards the end of the training with team servers and beacon servers.
While HOHE was intentionally built around totally freely available tools, HOHA is mostly built around Cobalt Strike (a commercial and red teaming oriented version of Armitage which we use in HOHE). Since Clarified Security team uses Cobalt Strike in red teaming for large-scale cyber exercises, mostly for client-side attacks, this training derives from these practical experiences and makes such training with red teaming twist available for wider audiences.
With HOHA course we build on our (pre-requisite) HOHE course and deliver 3 days of first-hand, pure hacking experience where a large „Network Takeover” scenario takes a center stage and teamworking mode sets in towards the end.
Trainers are Taavi Sonets , Karl Raik and Mihkel Raba .

Taavi joined the team in April 2015 as a Web application pentester. His previous work experience consists mainly of Web Application development. He holds a M.Sc. degree in Cyber Security from Tallinn University of Technology. He wrote his masters thesis about improving User Simulation Team Workflow in the Context of Cyber Defense Exercise. Taavi is the main trainer of our Hands-on Hacking training series (HOHE, HOHE FU, HOHA).

Karl joined the team in September 2015 as a Web application pentester. His previous work experience consists mainly of Web Application development. He holds a M.Sc. degree in Cyber Security from Tallinn University of Technology. He wrote his masters thesis about improving Web Attack Campaign overview in Cyber Defense Exercises. Karl is a trainer of our Hands-on Hacking Essentials (HOHE) and Hands-on Hacking Advanced (HOHA) courses.

Mihkel joined the team in May 2018 as a Web application pentester. He studied telecommunications in Tallinn University of Technology. After that he has spent almost two decades of building secure networks and developing software. Mihkel is a trainer of our Hands-on Hacking Essentials (HOHE) and Hands-on Hacking Advanced (HOHA) courses.
Course objectives
During the 3 day hands-on course experience the participants should build upon HOHE training in understanding of current attacker tool-sets, attack types and methods. By experiencing the attacker mindset and point of view via hands-on exercises the participants not only will use Cobalt Strike and other tools from a red team member perspective and should understand what it takes in terms of individual skills to be a read team member with a taste of team-working as well.
We can deliver on-site at group pricing anywhere in the world where decent Internet connection is available. Ask us for the group pricing or for times and locations of our public courses. Public groups are currently available directly or via partners in Estonia: BCS Koolitus , Nordic Koolitus .